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株式会社 日中物産

From the establishment of our company in 1972, we have walked with principle of steady operation and our basic policy of gratitude, sincerity and dillgence. That we have grown into the company we are now, is wholly due to the everlasting kindness and patronage from all our customers to which we are deeply greatful for .
We have dealt with the foodstuff and electrical appliance sales business, business concerning the handling of medical food stuff, and all other businesses connected to this field. We are upgrading foodstuff distribution in the restaurant industry, medical facilities, businesses, school cafeterias etc. and are trying to advance the region's society health. For the variation of better foodstuff, all executives have strived at their duties, and as a result we have become a company widely liked by everyone. The industry is facing a harsh period called the diversification of eating habits, and thus we are making constant efforts to supply products which fit the customer's needs even more. We are trying to provide a wide varriety of foodstuff, so we ask from our hearts for your continued worm support and encouragement.

Representative Director (Prisident) Saburo Nishikawa
昭和31年3月(1956年)    名古屋大学医学部の協力を得て中部地区の血液を供給するため、(株)日本中部ブラッドバンク及び(財)愛知輸血研究所が設立され10数年のち屈指のブラッドバンクに成長。昭和45年4月 食品部を設置
昭和47年7月 法改正により血液銀行部門を愛知県赤十字センターに移管。その際食品部の業務を全面移管するために、有限会社 日中物産を名古屋市東区にて設立し業務を継承。特に低温流通の経験を生かし業務用冷凍食品並びに総合食材.メディカルフード等を取り扱う。
昭和56年11月(1981年)   本社事務所を竣工し東区より現在地に移転 
平成 7年10月(1995年)   有限会社より株式会社へ改組

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